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Cruise ID: ALAR02RR :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleALARCON Expedition (ALAR)
AbstractMultidisciplinary study focusing on Alarcon Seamount, including rock dredging, heat flow measurements, sediment coring and seismic profiling, based on the multibeam bathymetric maps of the previous leg, ALAR01RR. Collaboration includes scientists and students from SIO, UCSC, Lawrence-Livermore (LLNL) and CICESE. Manganese-crusted partially dissolved "oyster" shells and small tube worms suggest that the calderas had hydrothermal vent communities.
Proposal TitleSeafloor Studies Alarcon Ridge
Starting PortPichilingue, Mexico
Ending PortSan Diego, California, USA
Starting Date1998-10-26
Ending Date1998-11-03
Latitude Maximum32.7067
Latitude Minimum22.8001
Longitude Maximum251.772
Longitude Minimum242.764
Principal InvestigatorHawkins, James W.
Scientist NamesHawkins, J. Chief scientist :Castillo, P. Scientist :Hilton, D. Scientist :Kastner, M. Scientist :Fisher, A. Scientist :Craven, J. Scientist :Jacobson, D. Computer tech :Mogk, S. Airgun tech :Wilson, R. Resident tech :Sclater, J. Scientist :Ransom, B. Student :Forsythe, L. Scientist :Franco, G. Student :Herguera, J. Scientist :Salami, B. Student :Robertson, G. Research Asso. :Volpe, A. Scientist :Esser, B. Scientist :Hoger, M. Technician :Weinstein, Y. Technician :Hendrickson, G. Technician :Vasquez, M. Student :Escalona, F. Student :Massell, C. Student

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