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Cruise ID: COOK12MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleCOOK Expedition (COOK)
AbstractStudies of Huon Gulf Drowned Coral Platforms, Papua New Guinea, just north of Australia. Observations include multibeam, Knudson 3.5kHz seismic, gravity, DSL120, ROV Jason, including 2700 pounds of rock recovery with the Jason elevator system. The SeaBeam and DSL120 surveys showed that pinnacle reefs leave subduction tracks in the steep walls of the upper plate of the collision zone, as the tracks are about the size of these pinnacles and they are oriented in the direction of plate motion. Organisms living on the fossil carbonate platforms are diverse and vary significantly with depth. Ages should reflect sea level low stands over the past 400 Ka, and possibly the ages of glacial terminations. Collaborators include groups from Scripps, WHOI, University of Hawaii, UC Santa Cruz, Univ. of Minnesota - Duluth, University of Papua New Guinea, and Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea.
Proposal TitleTectonics and sea level history from submerged coral platforms in the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
Starting PortLae, Papua New Guinea
Ending PortLae, Papua New Guinea
Starting Date2001-08-20
Ending Date2001-09-24
Latitude Maximum-6.72499
Latitude Minimum-7.77948
Longitude Maximum149.135
Longitude Minimum146.985
Principal InvestigatorSilver, Eli A.
Scientist NamesApplegate, B. Chief Scientist :Autin, G. Engineer :Chatwood, J. Computer tech :Crook, T. Navigator :Elder. C. Engineer :Heintz, M. Rov pilot :Rognstad, M. Engineer :Sellers, W. Rov pilot :Varnum, J. Rov pilot :Waters, R. Engineer :Wilson, R. Resident tech :Davies, J. Scientist :Gorgan, K. Student :Gallup, C. Professor :Hattenberger, S. Student :Jupiter, S. Student :Mosusu, N. Gelogist :Potts, D. Professor :Riker-Coleman, K. Student :Stamski, R. Student :Wallace, L. Student :Webster, J. Lecturer :Simeon, O. Student

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