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Cruise ID: DANA04RR :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleDANA Expedition (DANA)
AbstractTo use the R.V. Roger Revelle to collect GPS-Acoustic data at two seafloor geodetic arrays offshore Lima, Peru. We will also use the MPL control vehicle to conduct a seafloor survey at site. Multibeam data will be collected along several lines.
Proposal TitleSeafloor Strain Measurements at the Nazca South America Plate Convergence Zone
Starting PortArica, Chile
Ending PortCallao, Peru
Starting Date2003-11-30
Ending Date2003-12-23
Latitude Maximum-11
Latitude Minimum-19
Longitude Maximum-79
Longitude Minimum-70
Principal InvestigatorChadwell, C. David
Scientist NamesChadwell, David C.; Comer, Ronald L.; Allen, Scott; Zimmerman, Richard; Price, David; Rimington, Dennis; Darling, R.; Phillips, Kathleen; Kussat, N.; Gagon, K.; Tenorio, J.C.