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Cruise ID: KIWI09RR :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleKIWI Expedition (KIWI)
AbstractThe U.S. JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study): Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) program involves a series of 4 research cruises aboard the R/V Roger Revelle studying topics related to biogeochemical cycles, with a focus on the role of the Southern Ocean in the global carbon cycle. The principal geographic area of JGOFS/AESOPS research to be conducted aboard the Roger Revelle lies along the north-south transect at 170o west, from 57o S to 63o S, well outside of the New Zealand EEZ.
Proposal TitleMultidisciplinary study of carbon fluxes and biogeochemical cycles in the Southern Ocean
Starting PortLyttelton, New Zealand
Ending PortLyttelton, New Zealand
Starting Date1998-02-13
Ending Date1998-03-19
Latitude Maximum-43.58
Latitude Minimum-71.316
Longitude Maximum194.09
Longitude Minimum172.717
Principal InvestigatorGardner, Wilford D.
Scientist NamesGardner,W. - Chief Scientist - Texas A&M Univ. :Measures,C. - Scientist - University of Hawaii :Selph,K. - Grad Student - U. of Rhode Island :Nelson,D. - Scientist - Oregon State Univ. :Marra,J. - Scientist - Lamont-Doherty :Sosik,H. - Scientist - Woods Hole :Dickson,M. - Scientist - U. of Rhode Island :Reynolds,R. - Scientist - Scripps Institution :Wieland - Technician - Scripps Institution :Olson,R. - Scientist - Woods Hole :Rossini,P. - Scientist - Inst Marine Geo ITAL :Anderson,H. - Scientist - Lamont-Doherty :Breger,L. - Scientist - Lamont-Doherty :Hiscock,M. - Technician - Duke University :Masserini,R. - Technician - Univ. of So. Florida :Castle,D. - Technician - Univ. of Deleware :Mace,B. - Technician - Lamont-Doherty :Crossin,G. - Technician - Woods Hole :Andrews,J. - Technician - Woods Hole :Peterson,J. - Scientist - LUMCON :Gundersen,J. - Technician - Texas A&M Univ. :Cook,M. - Technician - No. Carolina State :Quiroz,E. - Technician - Texas A&M Univ. :Rubin,S. - Scientist - Lamont-Doherty :Arrington,J. - Technician - Oregon State Univ. :Searson,S. - Technician - Texas A&M Univ. :Orchardo,J. - Scientist - U. of Rhode Island :Silver,M. - Computer Tech - Scripps Institution :Hiller,S. - Electronics tech - Scripps Institution :Williams,B. - Odf Tech - Scripps Institution :Nolla,H. - Technician - University of Hawaii :Guffy,D. - Nutrient Tech - Texas A&M Univ. :Urban-rch,J. - Scientist - LUMCON :Quinby,H. - Scientist - VA Inst. of Mar. Sci. :White,A. - Technician - Univ. of Tennesee :Krogsland,K. - Nutrient Tech - Univ. of Washington :Koonce,T. - Resident Tech - Scripps Institution

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