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Cruise ID: KIWI14RR :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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Cruise Info

TitleKIWI Expedition (KIWI)
AbstractSide-scan sonar will be used to survey the area surrounding the shipwreck of the USS Agerholm. Core samples will be taken in the adjacent area, and samples will be analyzed for contaminants leaching from the wreck.
Proposal TitleRisk assessment of the USS Agerholm
Starting PortHonolulu, Hawaii, USA
Ending PortHonolulu, Hawaii, USA
Starting Date1998-07-09
Ending Date1998-07-11
Latitude Maximum21.4
Latitude Minimum20.1857
Longitude Maximum202.564
Longitude Minimum201.395
Principal InvestigatorDeMoustier, Christian
Scientist NamesdeMoustier, C. - Chief scientist - Scripps Institution :Charters, J. - Computer tech - Scripps Institution :Moe, R. - Computer tech - Scripps Institution :Smith, S. M. - SeaBeam Processor - Scripps Institution :Ireland, T. - Engineer - Sea Beam Instruments :Limmond, P. - Scientist - Woods Hole :Spitzak, J. - Engineer - Sea Beam Instruments :Shah, G. - Engineer - Sea Beam Instruments :White, J. - Engineer - Halter Marine :White, S. - Volunteer - Non-Scripps Employee :Stepka, T. - Scientist - NOAA :Roland, D. - Scientist - JJMA

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