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Cruise ID: LPRS03RR :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleLAPEROUSE Expedition (LPRS)
AbstractThis is the second of two cruises in summer 2002 to map out the physical and biological oceanographic distributions and processes that influence juvenile salmonid habitat along the Oregon and northern California coast. We seek to understand how physical circulation features (for example, upwelling fronts and jets, recirculation around submarine banks) influence distributions of phytoplankton, zooplankton and larval fish.
Proposal TitleGLOBEC, Northern California Current Mesoscale Surveys
Starting PortNewport, Oregon, USA
Ending PortNewport, Oregon, USA
Starting Date2002-07-31
Ending Date2002-08-19
Latitude Maximum44.6882
Latitude Minimum41.8975
Longitude Maximum235.957
Longitude Minimum232.984
Principal InvestigatorBarth, Jack A.
Scientist NamesBarth, J. - Chief Scientist - Oregon State Univ. :OMalley, R. - Technician - Oregon State Univ. :Erofeev, A. - Scientist - Oregon State Univ. :Letelier, R. - Scientist - Oregon State Univ. :Zhou, M. - Sceintist - U. of Massachusetts :Ainley, D. - Scientist - H. T. Harvey & Asso. :Alexander, C. - Scientist - H. T. Harvey & Asso. :Tynan, C. - Scientist - U. of Washington :Ryan, T. - Scientist - H. T. Harvey & Asso. :Castelao, R. - Grad. Student - Oregon State Univ. :Wu, D. - Grad. Student - U. of Massachusetts :Como, G. - Technician - Oregon State Univ. :Andrades, M. - Technician - Oregon State Univ. :Willils, M. - Marine Tech - Oregon State Univ. :Fayler, L. - Marine Tech - Oregon State Univ. :Martin, T. - Marine Tech - Oregon State Univ. :Waluk, C. - Intern Tech. - Cal State Monterey :Pierce, S. - Scientist - Oregon State Univ. :Legaard, K. - Grad. Student - Univ. of Maine :Wingard, C. - Technician - Oregon State Univ. :Briggs, A. - Grad. Student - Oregon State Univ. :Howard, C. - Grad. Student - Oregon State Univ. :Hercher, J. - Teacher/Volunteer - Salem, Oregon :Baiz, T. - Resident Tech. - Scripps Institution :French, B. - Computer Tech. - Scripps Institution

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