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Cruise ID: MGLN45MV :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise Info

TitleMAGELLAN Expedition (MGLN)
AbstractInformation on the FOCI-related program NPCREP (North Pacific Climate Regimes and Ecosystem Productivity) can be found on the web at
DescriptionEco-FOCI Alaska Fisheries Science Center and the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory.
Proposal TitleEcosystems and Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (Eco-FOCI)
Starting PortDutch Harbor, Alaska, USA
Ending PortDutch Harbor, Alaska, USA
Starting Date2008-08-24
Ending Date2008-09-11
Latitude Maximum53
Latitude Minimum53
Longitude Maximum-166
Longitude Minimum-166
Principal InvestigatorStabeno, Phyllis J.