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Cruise ID: MV0905 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise IDMV0905
TitleALBATROSS Expedition (ALBT)
AbstractA short-term Pilot Study/Engineering Test, referred to as PhilSea09, will be conducted in the northern Philippine Sea during April-May 2009, preceding the yearlong Philippine Sea deep- water acoustic propagation experiment planned for 2010-2011. The strategy is to instrument a single acoustic path from among the multiple paths planned for the 2010-2011 experiment.
DescriptionNorth Pacific Acoustic Laboratory (NPAL)
Proposal TitleNorth Pacific Acoustic Laboratory
Starting PortKao-hsiung, Taiwan
Ending PortKao-hsiung, Taiwan
Starting Date2009-03-31
Ending Date2009-04-09
Principal InvestigatorWorcester, Peter F.