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Cruise ID: MV1103 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise IDMV1103
TitleChilean Earthquake Rupture Survey
AbstractChilean Earthquake Rupture Survey (CERS): Recovery of four seafloor pressure recording packages deployed in March 2010 as part of the Chilean Earthquake rupture survey. Units were configured to sample ambient seawater pressure once per minute continuously over the past year. They will be commanded to drop a weight via an acoustic command sent from the surface ship. At each of the four sites the density structure from sea surface to seafloor will be measured by profiling a conductivity, temperature, and pressure device (CTD).
DescriptionChilean Earthquake Rupture Survey (CERS): Recovery of four seafloor pressure recording packages
Starting PortValparaiso, Chile
Ending PortValparaiso, Chile
Starting Date2011-03-15
Ending Date2011-03-20
Principal InvestigatorChadwell, C. David