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Cruise IDMV1206
AbstractCollaborative Research: Post-seismic response updip of the Chilean megathrust earthquake of February 27, 2010: Deployment of 10 broadband OBSs equiped with seafloor flow meters on the accretionary complex offshore central Chile in water depths of 2000-5300 m. Acquisition of high-resolution seismic reflection data using a short multichannel streamer and GI guns. (first cruise only) Swath bathymetry, magnetics, gravity Gravity cores (second cruise only)
DescriptionPost-seismic response updip of the Chilean megathrust earthquake of February 27, 2010
Starting PortValparaiso, Chile
Ending PortValparaiso, Chile
Starting Date2012-05-04
Ending Date2012-05-18
Principal InvestigatorTrehu, Anne M.