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Cruise ID: NEMO02MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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AbstractTo Conduct DSL-120 sonar, Towed Camera Sled surveys, dredging and CTD of EPR crest at 4-5 sites which have reupted based on AHA data
Proposal TitleBasic Seafloor Renaissance of T-phase Data from the NOAA Autonomous Hydrophone Array: Assessing the Nature of Magmatic/Vocanic Events on the East Pacific Rise, 20N-25S
Starting PortManzanillo, Mexico
Ending PortManzanillo, Mexico
Starting Date2000-03-24
Ending Date2000-05-10
Latitude Maximum19.0668
Latitude Minimum-1.09176
Longitude Maximum269.709
Longitude Minimum255.63
Principal InvestigatorFornari, Daniel
Scientist NamesFornari,D. - Chief scientist - Woods Hole :Perfit,M. - Co-cheif sci. - U. of Florida :Tolstoy,M. - Co-cheif sci. - Lamont Doherty :Haymon,R. - Scientist - U. C. Santa Barbara :Scheirer,D. - Scientist - Brown University :Kurras,G. - Grad. student - Univ. of Hawaii :Johnson,P. - Data processor - Univ. of Hawaii :Getsiv,J. - Data processor - Oregon State U. :Todd,E. - Student - U. of Florida :White,S. - Grad. student - U. C. Santa Babara :Gans,K. - Grad. student - U. C. Santa Babara :Haskell,T. - Student - U. C. Santa Babara :Wigham,B. - Scientist - Southampton Ocean. :Williams,C. - Student - Univ. of Leeds :Lean,P. - Student - Univ. of Leeds :Jead,T. - Student - Univ. of Leeds :Burgess,J. - Student - Univ. of Leeds :Crook,T. - Technician - Woods Hole :Bernard,PJ - Technician - Woods Hole :Elder,R. - Technician - Woods Hole :Gegg,S. - Technician - Woods Hole :Keeler,J. - Technician - Woods Hole :Kurz,M. - Scientist - Woods Hole :Curtice,J. - Scientist - Woods Hole :Elder,C. - Technician - Woods Hole :Peckman,U. - Seabeam processor - Scripps Institution :Comer,R. - Resident tech. - Scripps Institution :Charters,J. - Computer engineer - Scripps Institution :Dickau,R. - Marine technician - Scripps Institution :Palomares,R. - Electronics tech. - Scripps Institution :Santana,E. - Observer - Ecuador :Llerena,W. - Observer - Ecuador :Manjarrez,S. - Observer - Ecuador

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