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Cruise ID: NH0912 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise Info

Cruise IDNH0912
AbstractOn this cruise, we will test a system to continuously measure dissolved gases in seawater. We will be pumping seawater into an equilibrator, which allows dissolved gases to come to equilibrium with sweep gas from a tank. The equilibrated air will then be sent into a mass spectrometer on board the ship for continuous measurement. The mass spectrometer was tested on the R/V New Horizon in June 2008, and was found to have high precision even at sea. On this cruise we will take continuous measurements of O2/N2 and Ar/N2 ratios, along with isotopes of oxygen and nitrogen. These measurements can give information about primary production in the ocean. It is of interest to test the method in a transect between near-shore and open ocean conditions.
Starting PortSan Diego, California, USA
Ending PortSan Diego, California, USA
Starting Date2009-09-25
Ending Date2009-09-28
Principal InvestigatorRafelski, Lauren