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Cruise ID: NH1112 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise Info

Cruise IDNH1112
AbstractEcological Transitions in the California Current Ecosystem: CCE-LTER Phase II: (1) Process cruises (Revelle class vessel): Seasoar, Pinkel Doppler sonar, double 1 m2 MOCNESS with 202-µm nets and full sensors, fully configured CTD rosette, isotope vans, trace metal clean van. Other special equipment to be determined. High speed internet and berthing for minimum of 34 scientists required for each Revelle cruise. Science party will supply satellite-tracked drift arrays and autonomous sampling devices. (2) Augmented CalCOFI (New Horizon class vessel): regular over-the-side sampling and laboratory processing equipment and vans. Oozeki fish trawl (or equivalent) will be provided by science party. (3) Mooring servicing (New Horizon class vessel): standard A-frame, winches, navigation, echosounder, CTD rosette.
Starting PortSan Diego, California, USA
Ending PortSan Diego, California, USA
Starting Date2011-10-16
Ending Date2011-11-02
Principal InvestigatorWilkinson, James R.