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Cruise ID: PANR05MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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Cruise Info

TitlePANORAMA Expedition (PANR)
AbstractMarine geophysics and geochemical investigation of duelling propagating rifts and hydrothermal vents with multibeam, CTD tow-yo, cameras and magnetics.
Proposal TitleHydrothermal & Structural Investigations Along the Fastest Spreading Center; The 28 degree - 32 degree EPR Reorganizing Plate Boundary
Starting PortEaster Island, Chile
Ending PortPapeete, Tahiti
Starting Date1998-03-05
Ending Date1998-04-13
Latitude Maximum-17.4647
Latitude Minimum-32.3234
Longitude Maximum250.563
Longitude Minimum210.404
Principal InvestigatorHey, Richard N.
Scientist NamesHey, R. Chief Scientist :Charters, J. Computer tech :Wilson, R. Resident tech :Baker, E. Scientist :Bohnenstiehl, D. Student :Crook, T. Technician :Davis, M. Student :Freely, R. Scientist :Gegg, S. Technician :Gendron, J. Scientist :Gharib, J. Student :Gleason, D. Technician :Kleinrock, M. Scientist :Lebon, G. Technician :Maenner, S. Scientist :Massoth, G. Scientist :Martinez, F. Scientist :Naar, D. Scientist :Naiman, M. Technician :Norby, E. Technician :Pardee, D. B. Student :Pardee, D. A. Student :Resing, J. Scientist :Rodrigo, C. Scientist :Sansome, F. Scientist :Tennant, D. Scientist :Varnum, J. Technician :Walker, S. Technician

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