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Cruise ID: PANR06MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitlePANORAMA Expedition (PANR)
AbstractMarine Geophyiscal and geological investigation of the ultrafast spreading EPR near 19 deg south, using multibeam mapping, the Deep Tow instrument system, dredging and coring. A near bottom Deep Tow profile across magnetic anomaly 5 was made for comparison with a Deep Tow survey of the same age crust in the northeast Pacific in 1995. Deep tow profiles near the EPR axis suggest that geomagnetic intensity variations, rather than intrinsic differences (e.g., geochemistry or thickness) in the magnetic source layer, are responsible for much of the high frequency anomaly variation.
Proposal TitleShort Wavelength Magnetic Variations within the Central Anomaly on the Southern EPR
Starting PortPapeete, Tahiti
Ending PortHonolulu, Hawaii, USA
Starting Date1998-04-18
Ending Date1998-06-07
Latitude Maximum21.3161
Latitude Minimum-19.8307
Longitude Maximum247.197
Longitude Minimum202.114
Principal InvestigatorGee, Jeffrey
Scientist NamesGee, JeffChief Scientist :Austin, GaryTechnician :Bowers, Nancy Grad Student :Cande, SteveScientist :Didonna, Steve Scientist :Donnelly, KathleenGrad Student :Hicks, JasonTechnician :Hildebrand, John Scientist :Jabson, David Technician :Jonke, Patrick Technician :Pillard, EugeneResident Tech :Price, DavidTechnician :Silver, MarcComputer Tech :Wilson, Robert Volunteer

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