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Cruise ID: PHNX02MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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Cruise Info

TitlePHOENIX Expedition (PHNX)
AbstractResearch sample crustal rocks from the East Pacific Rise, and will analyze them to determine chemical composition and origin.
Proposal TitleComposition of the East Pacific Rise
Starting PortAcapulco, Mexico
Ending PortManzanillo, Mexico
Starting Date1992-07-18
Ending Date1992-08-14
Latitude Maximum19.067
Latitude Minimum9.38867
Longitude Maximum260.115
Longitude Minimum255.298
Principal InvestigatorBatiza, Rodey
Scientist NamesBatiza,Dr. R. Chief Scientist :Karsten,Dr. J. Professor :Johnson,Dr. P. Professor :Duncan,Dr. R. Professor :Graham,Dr. D. Researcher :Plake,Dr. T. Professor :Pariso,Dr. J. Post Doc. :Niu,Dr. Y. Post Doc. :Comer,R. L. Resident Tech. :Charters,J. Computer Tech. :Heckman,E. Hardware Tech. :Stein,T. Engineer :Halbert,B. Engineer :Semyan,S. Technician :Rice,R. Research Tech. :Van Patten,D. Research Assist. :Janney,P. Grad. Student :Gallahan,W. Grad. Student :Cushing,J. Grad. Student :Boger,W. Grad. Student :Paslick,C. Grad. Student :Sherman,S. Grad. Student :Sinton,C. Grad. Student :Braden,C. Volunteer :Haile,A. Volunteer :Isaacs,K. Volunteer :Peterson,R. Volunteer :Stephani,R. Volunteer :Yee,J. Volunteer

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