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Cruise ID: RR0903 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise IDRR0903
TitleKind of New and Old eXpedition (KNOX)
AbstractCruise will strongly resemble 2003-2008 cruises for US Global Ocean Carbon and Repeat Hydrography program. The I5 cruise will include ca. 193 full-depth CTD/rosette stations from the 200 meter isobath off South Africa to the 200 meter isobath off Australia. Stations are nominally 50 km (30 nmiles) apart, but are closer over steep bathymetry. At ca. 95 of the stations, there will also be a trace metal cast using a separate science-provided winch, cable, and rosette. Near noon each day there may be a hand-deployed optics profiler shallow cast. It is likely that Argo floats will be deployed at ca. 10-20 locations.
Proposal TitleCollaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer Measurements, 2009-2014 [I5]
Starting PortCape Town, South Africa
Ending PortFremantle, Australia
Starting Date2009-03-20
Ending Date2009-05-13
Principal InvestigatorSwift, James