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Cruise ID: RR1003 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise IDRR1003
AbstractTransit Cruise + Gaherty, James B.: Collaborative Research: How Is Rifting Exhuming the Youngest HP/UHP Rocks on Earth? + Silver, Eli A.: Dredging rocks from a large volcanic flow in the Bismarck Arc, Papua New Guinea. Includes time for a personnel transfer in Madang, Papua New Guinea. Depart 1600 on 2010-02-22; arrive at Gaherty site am of 2010-03-02; need to depart Madang no later than 1200 on 2010-03-10 for an 0800 arrival Kao-hsiung 2010-03-18. (gain 5 hours from time zone adjustments). Plan for an overnight in Madang 2010-03-09.
Starting PortWellington, New Zealand
Ending PortKao-hsiung, Taiwan
Starting Date2010-02-22
Ending Date2010-03-18
Principal InvestigatorSilver, Eli A.
Scientist Names