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Cruise ID: RR1209 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise IDRR1209
TitleSAMOAEX: Transport, Internal Waves, and Mixing in the Samoan Passage
AbstractSAMOAEX: Transport, Internal Waves, and Mixing in the Samoan Passage: We are proposing to study the volume, salt, heat and oxygen fluxes through the deep Samoan Passage using a lowered ADCP, profiling moorings and microstructure profilers provided by collaborator Carter. We are specifically interested in the role of internal waves and mixing in modifying these fluxes. Three cruises are planned: a short (4-day) mapping cruise in March 2011 to collect necessary bathymetry data, then two longer (40-day) survey cruises in March 2012 and Sept. 2013. A total of 9 moorings will be deployed during the first cruise, 4 of which will be deployed at the end of the cruise and will remain deployed until the second cruise. Five moorings are planned to be deployed during the second cruise.
Starting PortApia, Western Samoa
Ending PortApia, Western Samoa
Starting Date2012-07-21
Ending Date2012-08-28
Principal InvestigatorAlford, Matthew H