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Cruise ID: SOJN02MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleSOJOURN Expedition (SOJN)
AbstractInvestigate the effects of this rapid shoaling of the axial magma chamber on the fine-scale volcanic, hydrothermal and tectonic characteristics and behavior of the axial zone of the ultrafast spreading EPR at 17-18 degrees south. Sensors include the AMS-120 sonar system, the ARGO camera system and tow-yo CTD/nephelometer. Dozens of black smoker hydrothermal vents were discovered.
Proposal TitleMagmatic/Tectonic Controls on Hydrothermal Discharge Along the Axial Zone of the Ultrafast-Spreading EPR at 17-18 degrees South: A Near Bottom Photo/Acoustic Survey Using ARGO
Starting PortPapeete, Tahiti
Ending PortValparaiso, Chile
Starting Date1996-10-28
Ending Date1996-12-10
Latitude Maximum-17.1609
Latitude Minimum-33.0213
Longitude Maximum288.391
Longitude Minimum210.411
Principal InvestigatorHaymon, Rachel M.
Scientist NamesHaymon,Dr. R. Chief Scientist :Baron,S. Grad. Student :Bezy,B. Volunteer :Birk,E. Volunteer :Crook,T. Technician :Crowder,L. Grad. Student :Elder, B. Technician :Feldman, K. Technician :Gleason, D. Technician :Hobson,J. Grad. Student :Gyongyver,L. Volunteer :Lemmond,P. Technician :MacDonald,K. Co-Chief Sci. :Madge,L. Grad Student :Olds, D. Technician :Pillard,E. Resident tech :Porteous,T. Computer Engineer :Scheirer,Dr. D. Scientist :Sellers, W. Technician :Sharfstein,P. Grad. Student :Sudarakov,S. Scientist :Terra,F. Undergrad. student :van Dover,C. Scientist :White,S. Undergrad. student :Wright,D. Scientist

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