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Cruise ID: SP1011 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise Info

Cruise IDSP1011
AbstractEducation Cruises for SIO Summer Interdisciplinary (IGERT) class: We propose two 1 day cruises on the Sproul to introduce students to different aspects of oceanographic research and to provide samples for laboratory study during shore-based part of the course. Friday July 2 will emphasize biological oceanography (1) oblique plankton (bingo net) haul, (2) an otter trawl near the Coronado banks, (3) a midwater trawl. The second day cruise on Friday July 16 will focus on physical oceanography and geology: (1) CTD; (2) Van Veen grabs; (3) Multicore or Gravity core. Plankton net with 333 mesh net, mid water trawl; otter trawl, van veen grab, multicorer (ResTech: Please provide core tubes and end caps for 7 core barrels); Gravity core; CTD.
Starting PortSan Diego, California, USA
Ending PortSan Diego, California, USA
Starting Date2010-07-02
Ending Date2010-07-02
Principal InvestigatorRouse, Greg