Cruise Info

Cruise ID: SP1102 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise Info

Cruise IDSP1102
AbstractSOCAL43: Instrument Recovery, Towed Array and Visual Survey: After commuting to site N, two miniHARP moorings will be recovered by hand. If time permits, the remaining two seafloor instruments will be localized by driving circles around the instrument locations while continuously pinging to them. After that, the two seafloor instruments (4chHARPs) will be recovered with the A-frame. If time permits, a full CTD cast will be performed on the site. If not, a couple of XBTs to obtain the sound velocity profiles will be conducted at that site. Once all that work has accomplished at site N, we will deploy an acoustic array with the winch and tow it behind the ship while simultaneously conduction marine mammal observations on the way back to MARFAC, San Diego.
Starting PortSan Diego, California, USA
Ending PortSan Diego, California, USA
Starting Date2011-02-12
Ending Date2011-02-13
Principal InvestigatorGassmann, Martin