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Cruise ID: SP1117 :: Get Data via R2R

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Cruise IDSP1117
AbstractBirch Aquarium FOTF Cruise: Goals: Educational: 1. Expose students to methods of scientific collection/sampling at sea. 2. Allow students to engage in collecting data for scientific research. 3. Show students a diversity of benthic habitats and the animals that live there. 4. Provide an opportunity for students to meet a diversity of careers related to science including, ship crew, nautical engineers, Scripps scientists, and governmental scientists. 5. Expose students to scientific collections- Geological and Benthic Invertebrates. Scientific: 1. Find monoplocophora, a “missing link” in molluscan evolution (Rouse). 2. Collect other invertebrates for the Scripps Benthic Invertebrate Collections (Rouse). 3. Collect geological surface samples of different benthic environments (USGS). 4. Collect core near the slope-break in order to investigate changes in benthic habitat distribution during sea-level rise and fall (Maloney).
Starting PortSan Diego, California, USA
Ending PortSan Diego, California, USA
Starting Date2011-07-16
Ending Date2011-07-16
Principal InvestigatorHangsterfer, Alexandra N.