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Cruise ID: TUIM01MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer and/or Get Data via R2R

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TitleTUI MALILA Expedition (TUIM)
AbstractThis project will deploy 64 wide-band ocean-bottom seismometers and ten portable broad-band seismic island stations in a 15-month-long investigation. The objectives are to: locate and image the plume conduit beneath the Hawaiian hotspot, image the roots of the Hawaiian swell over a sufficient area and with a sufficient resolution to distinguish among competing hypotheses for plume-lithosphere interaction, and relate the findings from the seismic imaging experiments to geodynamical and geochemical, models for mantle plumes
DescriptionPLUME: A Seismic Experiment to Image the Hawaiian Hotspot and Swell
Proposal TitlePLUME - A Seismic Experiment to Image the Hawaiian Hotspot and Swell
Starting PortSan Diego, California, USA
Ending PortHonolulu, Hawaii, USA
Starting Date2004-12-31
Ending Date2005-01-25
Latitude Maximum32.7066
Latitude Minimum16.6994
Longitude Maximum242.773
Longitude Minimum202.114
Principal InvestigatorLaske, Gabriele M.
Scientist NamesLaske, Gabriele; Collins, J; Steffen, E; Weeraratne, D.; Bender, V; Handy, R; Peal, K; Ryder, J; Floyd, R; Georgief, P; Gibaud, M; Hollinshead, C; Petra, B; Leahy, M; Nobel, J; Chi, W. C.; Clague, D; Geli, L; Lin, C. R.; Wang, T. Y.; Davis, G; Malecki, B; Colt, C

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