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Cruise ID: TUNE03WT :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleTUNES Expedition (TUNE)
Abstractobjective of this portion of the 150W section: to be part of a neatly synoptic (5 year) picture of the general circulation of the Pacific Ocean. The 150W section is nearly in the center of the Pacific, where flows are predominantly zonal, and will contribute to determination of lateral exchange between energetic western and quieter eastern regimes.
Proposal TitleWOCE Hydrographic Program Section P16C
Starting PortPapeete, Tahiti
Ending PortHonolulu, Hawaii, USA
Starting Date1991-08-31
Ending Date1991-10-01
Latitude Maximum21.3164
Latitude Minimum-17.539
Longitude Maximum210.421
Longitude Minimum202.114
Principal InvestigatorTalley, Lynne D.
Scientist NamesTalley,L. - Chief Scientist - Scripps Institution :Bahr,F. - Research Assist. - Univ. of Hawaii :Bond,G. - Research Assist. - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :Bouchard,G. - Computer Tech - Scripps Institution :Garcia,H. - Student - Oregon State Univ. :Guenther,P. - Specialist - Scripps Institution :Jennings,J. - Staff Res. Assoc. - Oregon State Univ. :Johnson,G. - Post-Doc - Univ. fo Washington :Kim,K. K. - Visiting Scholar - Scripps Institution :Knapp,G. - Staff Res. Assoc. - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :Knudson,C. - Staff Res. Assoc. - Lamont-Doherty Geol. :Landry,P. - Technician - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :Lopez,L. - Staff Res. Assoc. - Scripps Institution :MacMurray,C. - Research Assoc. - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :McCallister,T. - Student - Scripps Institution :Mathewson,M. - Research Assoc. - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :Quay,P. - Assoc. Professor - Univ. of Washington :Peltzer,E. - Res. Specialist - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :Pillard,E. - Resident Tech - Scripps Institution :Stanley,R. - Research Assoc. - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :Wells,J. - Marine Tech - Scripps Institution :Wisegarver,D. - Chemist - Nat. Ocean/Atmos Admi

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