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Cruise ID: VANC02MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleVANCOUVER Expedition (VANC)
AbstractThe goals are to measure the properties of the seafloor near the Pacific Margin of Costa Rica, seaward of the subduction zone, on the incoming plate. The purpose is to evaluate the thermal state of the plate before it is subducted and the nature and impact of large scale thermal circulation on crustal evolution.
Proposal TitleCollaborative research: The thermal state of 20-25 Ma lithosphere subducting at the Costa Rica Margin, implications for hydrogeology, fluxes, and the seismogenic zone.
Starting PortPuerto Caldera, Costa Rica
Ending PortPuerto Caldera, Costa Rica
Starting Date2002-09-07
Ending Date2002-10-09
Latitude Maximum9.96975
Latitude Minimum8.36037
Longitude Maximum275.247
Longitude Minimum272.596
Principal InvestigatorFisher, Andrew T.
Scientist NamesFisher,Dr. A. - Chief Scientist - U. C. Santa Cruz :Silver,Dr. E. - Co-Chief Sci. - U. C. Santa Cruz :Wheat,G. - Co-Chief Sci. - U. of Alaska :Bautier,M. - Scientist - France :Costa,P. - Scientist - U. C. Santa Cruz :Harris,Dr. R. - Scientist - U. of Utah :Stein,Dr. C - Scientist - U. of Illinois :Spinelli,G. - Scientist - U. of Michigan :Underwood,M. - Scientist - U. of Missouri :Wilson,B. - Resident Tech. - Scripps Institution :Engstrom,T. - Resident Tech. - Scripps Institution :Ellett,L. - Seismic Tech. - Scripps Institution :Jacobson,D. - Computer Tech. - Scripps Institution :Friedman,P. - Technician - U. of Alaska :Parsons,W. - Technician - U. of Alaska :Jones,M. - Technician - U. of Alaska :Moser,C. - Technician - Oregon State Univ. :Hutnak,M. - Graduate Student - U. C. Santa Cruz :Hasterok,D. - Graduate Student - U. of Utah :Hernandez,B. - Undergraduate - U. C. Santa Cruz :MacKnight,B. - Undergraduate - U. C. Santa Cruz

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