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Cruise ID: VANC04MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleVANCOUVER Expedition (VANC)
AbstractMeasurements collected will provide critical information about crust and upper mantle structure and conditions of melting in mantle needed to distinguish between competing modles of the origin of enigmatic volcanic ridges to the west of the EPR and accompanying gravity lineations.
Proposal TitleCollaborative Research: Investigation of the Origin of Non-hotspot, Intraplate, Volcanic Ridges and Cross-grain Gravity Lineations
Starting PortArica, Chile
Ending PortValparaiso, Chile
Starting Date2002-11-02
Ending Date2002-12-05
Latitude Maximum-11.6672
Latitude Minimum-33.0333
Longitude Maximum289.674
Longitude Minimum241.182
Principal InvestigatorForsyth, Donald W.
Scientist NamesForsyth, D. - Chief Sceintist - Brown University :Jonke, P. - Scientist - Lamont-Doherty :McKiernan, B - Technician - Lamont-Doherty :French, B. - Computer tech - Scripps Institution :Pillard, E. - Resident tech - Scripps Institution :Boroughs, L. - Grad student - Brown University :Harmon, N. - Grad student - Brown University :Soffer, G. - Grad student - Columbia University :Weeraratne, D. - Grad student - Brown University :Lamm, R. - Student - Brown University :Llenos, A. - Student - Brown University

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