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Cruise ID: VANC07MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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Cruise Info

TitleVANCOUVER Expedition (VANC)
Proposal TitleThe Influence of Ridge Geometry on Crustal Accretion at Ultra-Snow Spreading Rates: The SW Indiana Ridge from 9 degrees to 23 degrees E: Replacement cruise due to lost ship time.
Starting PortCape Town, South Africa
Ending PortCape Town, South Africa
Starting Date2003-01-19
Ending Date2003-02-09
Principal InvestigatorDick, Henry J. B.
Scientist NamesDick, H.; Bach, W.; Bryan, W.; Coe, N.; Davis, G.; Eick, B.; Engstrom, T.; Grindlay, N.; Kumagai, H.; Lin, J.; Pillard, E.; Razak, N.; Salters, V.; Smit, A.; Standish, J.; Stewert, H.; Van Ark, E.; Warren, J.