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Cruise ID: VANC29MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleVANCOUVER Expedition (VANC)
AbstractStudy area is Fly River/Gulf of Papua Shelf; Dispersion, cycling, and burial of organic carbon in a river-dominated ocean margin
Proposal TitleDispersion, cycling, and burial of organic carbon in a river-dominated ocean margin: the Fly River/Gulf of Papua Shelf
Starting PortPort Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Ending PortPort Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Starting Date2004-05-07
Ending Date2004-05-17
Latitude Maximum-8.07505
Latitude Minimum-9.59908
Longitude Maximum147.16
Longitude Minimum143.886
Principal InvestigatorNittrouer, Charles A.
Scientist NamesNittrouer, C. - Chief Scientist - Univ. of Washington :Ogston, A. - Scientist - Univ. of Washington :Aller, J. - Scientist - Univ. of Washington :Abramson, L. - Grad student - Univ. of Washington :Alexandratos, B. - Grad student - Univ. of Washington :McKinnon, D. - Scientist - AIMS :Moritz, S. - Technician - AIMS :Crockett, J. - Grad student - Univ. of Washington :Moe, R. - Computer Tech - Scripps Institution :Gaydos, D. - Grad student - Univ. South Florida :Palinkas, C. - Grad student - Univ. of Washington :Lomnicky, T. - Grad student - Univ. of Washington :Feiger, G. - Technician - Univ. of Washington :Nittrouer, D. - Technician - Univ. of Washington :Monacci, N. - Technician - Univ. South Carolina :Donahue, B. - Technician - Univ. South Florida :Ciembronowiitcz, D. - Grad student - Univ. South Florida :Wolfson, M. - Grad student - Univ. South Florida :Ravenhill, G. - Resident Tech - Scripps Institution :Mead, R. - Scientist - Univ. South Carolina :Presto, M. - Technician - Univ. of Washington

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