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Cruise ID: WEST01MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleWESTWARD Expedition (WEST)
Abstractthe main purpose of the Ridge Flux Project is to observe and monitor the energy and mass flux from asthenosphere to earths surface environment on the mid-oceanic ridge and to compare the active ridge crest processes of the mid-oceanic ridge with those of marginal basin systems.
Proposal TitleInternational Cooperative Research on the Energy and Mass Flux of Ridge Crests (Ridge Flux Project).
Starting PortSan Diego, California, USA
Ending PortPapeete, Tahiti
Starting Date1993-11-23
Ending Date1993-12-30
Latitude Maximum32.7068
Latitude Minimum-18.7227
Longitude Maximum248.252
Longitude Minimum210.392
Principal InvestigatorUrabe, Tetsuro
Scientist NamesUrabe,T. - Chief scientist - Geologic Survey JPN :Akoi,M. - Marine technician - Nippon Marine Ent. :Baker,E. - Oceanograper - NOAA/PMEL :Charters,J. - Computer tech - Scripps Institution :Feely,R. - Chem. oceanograper - NOAA/PMEL :Gendron,J. - Oceanographer - NOAA/PMEL :Green,R. - Research assoc. - NOAA/PMEL/OSU :Heckman,E. - Seabeam engineer - Scripps Institution :Ishibashi,J. - Research assoc. - Univ. of Tokyo :Kaiho,Y. - Researcher - Marine Sci&Tech. Ctr. :Kisimoto,K. - Sr. researcher - Geologic Survey JPN :Lebon,J. - Oceanographer - Univ. of Washington :Marmumo,K. - Sr. geologist - Geologic Survey JPN :Maruyama,A. - Sr. researcher - Nat. Res. Inst. Biosci. :Massoth,G. - Chem. oceanograper - NOAA/PMEL :Matsumoto,T. - Researcher - Marine Sci&Tech. Ctr. :Nakamura,K. - Sr. geologist - Geologic Survey JPN :Nishizawa,A. - Research officer - Hydrographic Dept. :Okamura,K. - Grad student - Kyoto University :Okano,O. - Research assoc. - Okayama Univ. :Paradis,G. - Research assoc. - NOAA/PMEL. OSU :Pillard,E. - Resident tech - Scripps Institution :Roe,K. - Oceanographer - Univ. of Washington :Shibata,T. - Prof. of geology - Okayama Univ. :Shitashima,K. - Sr. researcher - Inst. of Elec. Power :Smith,S. - Seabeam operator - Scripps Institution :Sonoda,A. - Marine technician - Nippon Marine Ent. :Tennant,D. - Oceanographer - NOAA/PMEL :Vance,T. - Oceanographer - NOAA/PMEL :Yabuki,T. - Research officer - Hydrographic Dept. :Yamazaki,T. - Sr. geophysicist - Geologic Survey JPN :Ytow,N. - Research assoc. - Univ. of Tsukuba

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