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Cruise ID: WEST03MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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Cruise Info

TitleWESTWARD Expedition (WEST)
AbstractThe cruise is a follow-up to a previous cruise, Structure and Geomorphology of the Eltanin Transform System, and will use the bathymetry collected from the previous cruise to choose locations for dredging. Rock samples will be analyzed to determine the chemical composition and origin of the crustal rocks.
Proposal TitlePetrology of the Eltanin Transform Fault System
Starting PortWellington, New Zealand
Ending PortIquique, Chile
Starting Date1994-02-14
Ending Date1994-03-21
Latitude Maximum-20.1939
Latitude Minimum-57.12
Longitude Maximum289.846
Longitude Minimum174.786
Principal InvestigatorBloomer, Sherman
Scientist NamesBloomer,Dr. S. - Chief Scientist - Boston University :Castillo,Dr. P. - Co-Chief Scient. - Scripps Institution :Natland,Dr. J. - Co-Chief Scient. - University of Miami :Niu,Dr. Y. - Asst. Professor - Australia :Solidum,R. - Volunteer - Scripps Institution :Goodwillie,Dr. A. - Visiting Scholar - Scripps Institution :Comer,R. L. - Resident Tech. - Scripps Institution :Charters,J. - Computer Tech. - Scripps Institution :Porteous,T. - Programmer - Scripps Institution :Sapp,K. - Research Tech. - Woods Hole Ocean. Ins :Hoaster,J. J. - Grad. Student - University of Miami :Pletsch,B. - Grad. Student - Boston University :Root,E. - Bird Observer - Scripps Institution

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