Scientist Names | Coale, K. - Chief scientist - Moss Landing :Wilson, R. - Resident tech - Scripps Institution :Porteous, T. - Computer tech - Scripps Institution :Bale, A. - Marine scientist - Plymouth Mar. Lab :Bares, K. - Research asst - Mass. Inst. of Tech. :Behrenfeld, M. - Biologist - Brookhaven N. Lab :Cochlan, W. - Asst. res. prof - U. of So. Calif. :Constantinau, J. - Research assoc - U of Hawaii :Cooper, D. - Sr. res. assoc - Univ. East Anglia :Elrod, V. - Research tech - Moss Landing :Erdner, D. - Research assoc - Woods Hole :Ferioll, L. - Scientist - Monterey BARI :Fitzwater, S. - Project assoc - Moss Landing :Gordon, M. - Project assoc - Moss Landing :Hanson, K. - Grad student - U of Hawaii :Hunter, C. - Research tech - Moss Landing :Johnson, K. - Professor - Moss Landing :Johnson, Z. - Grad student - Duke Univ. :Kudela, R. - Research asst - U. of So. Calif. :Liddicoat, M. - Hydrochemist - Plymouth Mar Lab :Lindley, S. - Postdoc fellow - Stanford :Mann, E. - Grad student - MIT :Nightingale, P. - Scientist - Univ. East Anglia :Nowicki, J. - Marine res tech - Moss Landing :Ondrusek, M. - Research asst. - U of Hawaii :Rogers, P. - Scientist - Monterey BARI :Rollwagen, g. - Grad student - U of Hawaii :Rue, E. - Grad student - UC Santa Cruz :Sanderson, M. - Grad student - UC Santa Cruz :Spokes, L. - Postdoc - Univ. East Anglia :Steinberg, P. - Research asst - U of Miami :Tanner, S. - Mar sci res tech - Moss Landing :Trasvina-Castro, A. - Researcher - CICESE :Turner, S. - Sr res assoc - Univ. East Anglia :Wells, M. - Asst researcher - UC Santa Cruz :Zhu, X. - Postdoc - U of Miami |