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Cruise ID: WEST14MV :: Get Data via SIOExplorer

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TitleWESTWARD Expedition (WEST)
AbstractThe geophysical survey is designed to clarify the structural history of the East Pacific Rise during the period 10-6 million years ago, and to learn how events in that history (such as changes in spreading direction) affected the seafloor relief.
Proposal TitleGeomorphometry of the EPR Flanks
Starting PortAcapulco, Mexico
Ending PortSan Diego, California, USA
Starting Date1995-06-22
Ending Date1995-07-05
Latitude Maximum32.7051
Latitude Minimum9.96656
Longitude Maximum264.305
Longitude Minimum242.754
Principal InvestigatorLonsdale, Peter F.
Scientist NamesLonsdale, P; Bazin, S; Brown, K; Ceramicola, S; Johnson, P; Kanjorski, N; Moe, R; Mortyn, G; Overway, R; Padilla, S; Rebstock, G; Root, E; Sandoval, H; Solidum, R; Sutherland, W; Taranto, M; Tryon, M; Walens, S; Williams, K; Zhu, P

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