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Cruise ID: ZHNG02RR :: Get Data via SIOExplorer and/or Get Data via R2R

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TitleZHENG HE Expedition (ZHNG)
AbstractThe program is driven by the need to monitor the changing patterns of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the ocean and provide the necessary data to support continuing model development that will lead to improved forecasting skill for oceans and global climate.
DescriptionGlobal Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer Measurements
Proposal TitleCollaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer
Starting PortPapeete, Tahiti
Ending PortWellington, New Zealand
Starting Date2005-01-09
Ending Date2005-02-19
Latitude Maximum-15.9999
Latitude Minimum-71.003
Longitude Maximum210.428
Longitude Minimum174.785
Principal InvestigatorSwift, James
Scientist NamesSloyan, B.; Swift, J; Sabine, C.; Measures, C.; Landing, W.; Hummon, J.; Theiss, J.; Sanborn, C.; Hiller, S.; Johnson, M.; Becker, S.; Schuller, C.; Calderwood, J.; Anderson, G.; Sohst, B.; Afgan, J.; Cooper, D.; Grall, C.; Dachille, A.; McDonnel, A.; Kacena, T.; Allen, S.; Comer, R.; Brown, M.; Buck, C.; Apprill, A.; Swan, C.; Goldberg, S.; Meyers, M.; Moffat, C.; Mazloff, M.; Brice, D.

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